Virgo Daily Horoscope

March 7, 2021

If you wake up “in a mood,” this Saturday, don’t spend the morning ruminating. Insight from your inner circle will help you get to the source of it ten times faster. Plus you’ll get some much-needed perspective about how big of a deal this actually is (or isn’t). When the moon shifts into a friendlier position mid-day— Capricorn and your vivacious fifth house—you’ll feel like painting the town, or maybe a canvas, rainbow! If you’re up for brunch on a heated patio, this could be the chance you were waiting for to meet up with someone who slid fatefully into your DMs. Or, just make an all-day date with the muse! Under Sunday’s influence of rebellious Uranus you’ll feel compelled to bend a few rules, especially if they’re not just outdated, but out of alignment with your values. Make room to accommodate new belief systems and give antiquated ones the heave-ho. Taking a leap faith, even if it goes against the grain, will pay off.

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