Aries Daily Horoscope

March 7, 2021

Individuality is your greatest asset on Saturday, Aries. Quirky as your ideas may be, stick to your guns. Don’t yield to the collective mindset, just stay on your mission’s path. Yes, this may require more effort and tenacity but you’re up for the task. Use the morning hours to create a firm bedrock for your plans, and the afternoon to put them into play. On Saturday night connect with likeminded people who will support your quest. While your usual think tank is wonderful, casting a wider net could attract like-minded acquaintances. This, in turn could lead to fortuitous connections that could be instrumental in launching your empire! On Sunday, the enterprising Capricorn moon shifts into your professional realm making a positive angle to Uranus in your cash zone. This placement could bring some great breaks with your direction or career. During your ascent don’t forget those who gave you a helping hand. Let them hitch a ride on your coattails—after all, you probably would be here without their assistance. Give props where they’re due and remember, kindness begets kindness.

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