Leo Weekly Horoscope

WEEK OF March 8 – 1 4, 2021

On Wednesday, March 10, soulful Neptune mashes up with the sizzling Sun in Pisces and your eighth house of intimacy and seduction. While you’ll feel the allure of your purr, make sure your meows are not misconstrued. You’re just acting naturally, yet in spite of your intentions (or maybe because of them), you’re sending out cues through your looks, gazes and body language. This can be a lot of fun for single cats, but if you’re searching for more than mere fun, you’ll need to be able to do more than just lure someone in. Whether you’re looking for a playmate or a soulmate, attracting the right people into your lair requires discernment. Of course, you’ll need to do your due diligence once there’s an actual “candidate” to consider, but don’t overlook Neptune’s intuitive gifts in helping you work that Law of Attraction. First, get super-clear about your criteria: Depth, intensity, compassion and humor are non-negotiables. But don’t think you’re immune to being wooed by a slick talker. The Sun is your ruler and represents your ego, both its healthy, positive expression and lower ones, like pride and arrogance.

This annual connection with distorting Neptune can stir some shadowy urges and leave you vulnerable to manipulation. Involved with someone who might be showing some shady characteristics? No more sweeping their unsavory traits under the rug or making excuses for their bad behavior! Trust the Sun (your radiant ruler) to shine a bright spotlight on the drama and game-players. This alignment calls for some radical honesty—first with yourself and then with anyone who’s gaslighting on any level. Love shouldn’t require excessive sacrifices, so if that’s been the dynamic, it’s time to reclaim your self-respect by preemptively ending doormat-like behavior and setting new boundaries. You can’t change the past, but the future is an unwritten script.

A wave of fresh-start opportunities rolls in this Saturday as the year’s only Pisces new moon turns up the heat in that same erotic eighth house. And it comes with some bonus awareness thanks to its proximity to seductive Venus and fantasy agent Neptune. One of the lessons of this magnetic moon is to stop doing the chasing. Turn up your natural charisma and let people find their way to you instead. And give the quiet, easily overlooked ones a chance. They could be the hidden gems you miss when you’re too distracted by shiny objects (or in this case, suitors).

New moons can point to things wedged in the shadows. Keep your mind—and eyes—wide open and you might discover a rich new landscape to mine. But remember, Leo: Magnets attract AND repel. As these moonbeams reveal certain people’s unsavory traits, you may naturally gravitate away from them. Are you ready to lose the draining energy vampires for good? Stop paying them any attention and wait for them to go crawling back into their crevices, leaving you free to spend your time with a like-minded, positive crew. If you’re single and looking, the coming two weeks—and even few months—could bring someone with soulmate potential!

See All Signs

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been ELLE.com‘s official astrologers for over a decade.

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