I Have a Thing for Boots—Here Are 3 Chic Pairs I’m Currently Obsessing Over

My love for shoes started at a young age. According to my mom, when I was little, I used to “borrow” other toddlers’ shoes from daycare and add them to my collection. And since then, my obsession has only grown. I’m freakily well-versed on the latest designers, I have so many pairs of shoes they require a second closet, and yes, I am that person who will stop you on the street to ask where you got the pair you’re wearing.

What styles are on my radar right now, you might ask? Loafers, mules, clogs, and three especially cute boots from Schutz. Fashion people love this brand, which never disappoints when it comes to good-quality, amazingly priced, and on-trend footwear. Want to see what I mean? Keep scrolling to see three pairs of ultra-chic boots I’m planning to wear with all my winter ‘fits (plus nine more that are way too good pass up).

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