Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF February

February might as well be dubbed “2022, Take Two.” Last month was kind of a cosmic wash—or at least, not the rocket-fueled launch into a new year you may have hoped for. For starters, harmonizer Venus was retrograde (backward) in your foggy twelfth house from December 19 to January 29, a six-week cycle that left many Aquarians feeling sluggish and unfocused. Then, on January 14, communication planet Mercury turned retrograde in YOUR sign. If you weren’t completely offline, you may have been playing catch-up on tasks, sleep and messages!

Great news: Venus is back to direct (forward) motion and Mercury will follow suit on January 14. The Sun is in Aquarius, shining on YOUR personal passions and goals until February 18. And the month begins with a February 1 Aquarius new moon as we welcome the Lunar Year of the Water Tiger and change our collective stripes to a far more interesting pattern! Ahhhhh, now that’s what we call a do-over.

Valentine’s Week can bring healing energy to your partnerships. Love planets Venus and Mars make an exact meetup AND a Leo full moon beams into your partnership house. You could take a sweet escape with your favorite plus-one or attract a person with soulmate potential.

When Pisces season begins on February 18, you can start to put some of your birthday wishes and big ideas into motion. Not only will the Sun be in your productive and prosperous second house, but lucky Jupiter is here (until May 10, in fact). Get ready for a lucrative four weeks, with new opportunities to expand your skills AND raise your asking price.

Aquarius season + the Lunar New Year kick put the spotlight on you

That’s more like it, Aquarius! February is a dramatic improvement over last month—and it all happens against the backdrop of Aquarius season. The Sun is in your sign until February 18, powering up your personal goals and giving you a much-needed burst of can-do, self-assured energy.

This uptick starts as soon as you flip to the new calendar page. February 1 serves up the year’s only Aquarius new moon (your personal new year) AND the official Lunar New Year. But wait—there’s more! We’re entering the Year of the Water Tiger, the animal associated with YOUR ruling planet, Uranus. Between now and January 31, 2023, the rest of the world is syncing up with your style, Aquarius. Innovation will be valued and originality rewarded, giving you a natural competitive edge.

It’s a reclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” freshing change after 2021’s regimented Metal Ox Year. While last year’s hard work will pay off, you’re ready to leave the grind behind and let life serve you more novelty. Buh-bye, pandemic plateau…

But before you rush into that new phase, take the first few days of February to get grounded and clear on where you are now. No beating yourself up or judging yourself by some unfair standard. Just think of it as an audit or inventory. When the Sun and sober, structured Saturn make their annual union on February 4, it’s a great time to self-audit. With both planets in Aquarius and your house of first impressions, this is an inside AND out check: Do you like your wardrobe, appearance, hair color? (Yes really.) How about your social profiles—do they accurately portray your awesomeness? Polish up your presentation and you’ll position yourself well to make a big ask later in the month. When people go checking you out as a candidate, you want to make sure they see you at your very best!

Mercury retrograde ends February 3

The good news keeps coming. On Febclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” ruary 3, Mercury—the planet of communication, technology and travel—wraps a tricky retrograde that began on January 14. Until January 25, Mercury was reversing through Aquarius, making you feel wildly misunderstood. Since then, it’s been backing through Capricorn and your foggy twelfth house, muddling messages and scrambling signals. If you’ve felt all over the place for the past week or so, get ready for things to correct course. Mercury’s still in Capricorn until February 14, so focus on tying up loose ends and giving yourself a gentle reentry into reality. In the second half of the month, Mercury will move into Aquarius again, sharpening your wits and your words. Got a big announcement to make? Save it until then!

The February 8 Mars-Uranus class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” trine opens the emotional floodgates

On February 8, intense Mars and shock jock Uranus will unite in a galvanizing <a class="body-link product-links" href="" data-vars-ga-call-to-action="trine" data-product-url="" data-affiliate-url="" data-vars-ga-outbound-link="" data-vars-ga-product-brand="” data-vars-ga-product-id=”01f9dbf5-eba9-410c-beec-e1dcac300d4a” data-vars-ga-product-price=”0.00″ data-vars-ga-product-sem3-brand=”” data-vars-ga-product-sem3-category data-vars-ga-product-sem3-id data-affiliate-network data-affiliate=”true”>trine, activating the most tender parts of your chart. With Mars in Capricorn and your twelfth house of closure and Uranus in Taurus and your sensitive, domestic fourth house, a loved one could provide the burst of encouragement you’ve been needing. On the flip side, they could also push your buttons, unwittingly becoming that single straw that breaks the Water Bearer’s back. Have you been stuffing down your true feelings while seething inside? That was certainly the vibe of January 2022, especially the final week’s passive-aggressive planetary lineup. So if you have a storehouse of resentment simmering, take a deep breath before lashing out or firing back.

Relationships could turn official this Valentine’s Day

No pressure or anything, Aquarius (you HATE that!), but if you were thinking of making a relationship official, Valentine’s Week is looking pretty strong for that. The moon on Valentine’s Day is nearly full in Leo and your committed relationship house. At the same time, love planets Venus and Mars are almost perfectly aligned in Capricorn and your twelfth house of fantasy and surrender. All we’re saying is…if you end up without one of those #ISaidYes carousels in your Instagram feed, we won’t judge you.

Aside from that most traditional of possibilities, Valentine’s Week can bring healing energy to your partnerships. You could take a sweet escape with your favorite plus-one or attract a person with soulmate potential. Currently single? Book some quality time with a beloved relative or a close friend to connect and do something special together. It’s all about that heartwarming twosome time!

The February 16 Leo full moon spotlights partnerships

Make time for a special someone—or the key players on Team Aquarius—at the February 16 Leo full moon. This lunar light beams into your seventh house of committed partnerships. Coupled? Step back from your casual crew and colleagues and give your S.O. the early Valentine’s Day gift of your undivided attention. Single Water Bearers could meet someone with long-term potential today or over the next two weeks.

If you’ve been on the fence about whether to stay or go, these decisive moonbeams will help you finally reach a decision. A partnership that’s been developing since as far back as the August 8, 2021, Leo NEW moon could reach a key turning point. This is a great day to hammer out deal points or even sign on the dotted line, especially now that Mercury retrograde is over. Part of a healthy partnership, no matter if it’s at work or at play, is being able to see things from another’s POV and give a little as you take a little. Don’t forget the power of negotiation during this full moon. Even the most celestial of connections have to meet in the middle sometimes, and a little compromise never hurt anybody.

Pisces season begins on February 18

Practical matters prevail starting February 18, when the Sun moves into Pisces and your second house of work and money. Sweep up those birthday cake crumbs and get down to business. Aquarius, your open, communicative and collaborative nature makes you a dream team player and partner in professional and personal endeavors, so put those skills to work (literally) and step up on a project or raise your hand for an opportunity.

If you’re thriving in your current position, now’s the time to ask for a raise. If you’re feeling the itch to move on, start prowling LinkedIn or putting out job-related feelers. From a money standpoint, you’ll want to keep an eye on your cash; pad out your savings for a rainy day or meet with an advisor to make sure your financial affairs are in order.

A little fantasy for you, Aquarius? All month long (and until March 6), romantic Venus and sexy Mars are traveling through Capricorn together, heating up your twelfth house of closure, surrender and escape. It’s not easy for most humans to be vulnerable—by nature, our survival instincts try to keep us in control. But that’s not what February is about at all. Quite the opposite! Can you allow another person to contribute to you, to be a trusted guardian of your feelings and heart? You may have to take a hard look at your own willingness to be loved this month, Aquarius. Turns out, receiving is a lot harder than giving sometimes.

When the cosmic duo of Venus and Mars makes an exact meetup on February 16, the exact same day as the full moon in Leo and your partnership house, a relationship could reach a moment of truth. It could be a soul-baring moment of connection when you get nakedly honest. It could also be a moment to take your union to the next level, or to ask the universe to support you in magnetizing a partner who fits with you, quirks and all.

Struggling to forgive or class=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” let go of the past? The twelfth house rules endings and release, and you could learn how to let go with love if need be. Check out some of the helpful Gottman Institute blogs for some new inspired ways of handling conflicts, expressing core desires and improving your relationship I.Q. overall. They don’t teach us this stuff in school, Aquarius—so no shame in learning it at any age!

Don’t push yourself beyond your limits, Aquarius—whatever those might be! All month long (and until March 6), go-getter Mars is in Capricorn and your restful twelfth house, causing something of an energy crisis. You may be burning the candle at both ends, feeling wired and tired. And it will be hard to say no to the tempting offers, especially with the Sun in Aquarius (and the February 1 Aquarius new moon) bringing enticing opportunities your way.

Here’s a little sneak preview: On March 6, Mars will zoom into Aquarius, bringing your energy back full blast. Between now and then, check out your new options but also pace yourself. Finish up all you’ve got going on before you dive into anything new. A partnership could become official at the February 16 Leo full moon. Could you merge your superpowers for mutual gain? Look back to the August 8, 2021, Leo new moon for clues of what might become signed, sealed and delivered today.

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Calling all mystics on a mission! Got a brand, business or passion project you’re deveclass=”body-el-link standard-body-el-link” loping? We want to be your mentors. Our new Astropreneurs mastermind group supports soul-centered entrepreneurs with the tools of modern business and astrology—with a supportive community and a private platform.

Love Days: 10, 15

Money Days: 22, 3

Luck Days: 19, 1

Off Days: 12, 17, 26

See All Signs

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been‘s official astrologers for over a decade.

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